Vibro Explorer
When inquiring, please give us your information on the following:
(1) Burning method (mechanical furnace fluidized bed furnace, rotary furnace or any other)
(2) Melting method (direct melting, burned ash melting or any other)
(3) Object (EP ash, bag ash, burned ash, sludge or any other)
(4) Treatment method (cement solidification, chelate treatment or any other)
(5) Daily working hours (capacity of soot treatment system)
(6) Output to be required (soot amount to be treated) in kg/hr
(7) Your flow sheet of producing source to of soot
(8) Shape of product to be required (size, strength and any other)
(9) Limitation of installation space of system
(10) Storga method for materials to be treated (truck, pit, bunker or any other)
(11) Electric source (Amp, Volt, Hz)
(12) Environmental temperature (highest, lowest and average temp. in 0C within the year)
(13) Special notice for our designing and manufacturing
(14) Any other requirement